Supporting the ROA STARs Foundation Supports our Reserve & National Guard
A donation to the ROA STARs Foundation is a direct line of support to the most under-resourced population within our armed forces. Through one of a kind ROA programs, tailored to support the most pressing needs of Reservists and their families, STARs donors are on the front line of support for some of America’s most deserving veterans. However you choose to give, a donation to STARs.

Reservists and their families during the most trying times of service: Whether it’s the first time for the last time, deployment is tough on Reserve families. In fact, there are fewer resources and less research into the unique challenges deployment places on Reserve families than any other segment of our armed forces. Balancing a civilian job with family obligations and a duty overseas is a burden no Reserve family should bear alone and that’s where the STARs Foundation comes in. We’re pioneering research into the unique impacts of deployment on Reservists and their families and developing first of their kind resources to fill the void of support.

Policymakers and the public about the Reserve Components: Let’s face it, duty in the Reserve and Guard is complicated and most people simply don’t get it. The truth is, Reservists are everywhere. They’re teachers and firefighters, community leaders and entrepreneurs. Reservists represent the most direct connection between the public and our military yet most of us don’t know what they do or how they do it. Whether it’s through policy or public awareness The STARs Foundation directly supports ROA and its Defense Education Forum in their mission to shed light on the critical missions and unique sacrifices of our Reservists in and out of uniform.

The rights of Reservists on the battlefield and at home: Reserve duty carries unique obligations. Likewise, it places a unique burden on civilian employers. There are laws on the books to defend a Reservists’ right to reemployment but after 13 years of mobilizations, many Reservists are falling through the cracks. When that happens it’s donations to the STARs Foundation that directly supports the nation’s only free legal resource for Reservists and their families. ROA’s Service Members Law Center provides direct assistance and legal resources for thousands of Reservists each month, representing a one-of-a-kind service for service members across the country.
ROA Programs Supported by STARs
Educate the American public about the Reserve Components’ roles and needs:
- Most voters don’t realize that the Reserves of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, the National Guard, and the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and NOAA are often shortchanged in budget and policy decisions.
- Nearly half a million children of Reserve Component families attend school throughout America where most kids don’t come from military families. The STARs In Schools School Kit and educational/resource website helps Reserve families communicate their unique situation and needs.
Promote educational events:
- ROA STARs Defense Education Forums focus on the role of the Reserve Components in national security, attracting national speakers from all spheres.
Promote Reserve Component professional development:
- ROA’s professional development classes and mentoring help enlisted and officer members succeed in their careers.
- Volunteer service on ROA and STARs committees and boards gives members experience in organizational life.
Provides support to reserve component service members and their families:
- Henry J. Reilly Scholarships fund vocational and collegiate studies for ROA members and family members.
- The ROA STARs Service Members Law Center offers expert legal information on employment and military voting rights; the SMLC online library features 1,500 original law reviews for attorneys, advocates, and Reservists.
Join us! We can make a difference when we Stand Together for America’s Reservists!
For more information, levels of support and sponsor benefits, please contact us at (800) 809-9448 or