As we approach our Centennial on October 2, 2022 and move into our second century of service to America and our citizen-warriors, ROA’s mission is just as if not more critical today than throughout our first 100 years.
The founding members of ROA, WWI Army combat veteran officers, knew the “war to end all wars” would not be America’s last call upon its citizens to defend freedom. General of the Armies John J. “Black Jack” Pershing and his fellow founding Members were correct. Throughout the ensuing century, American men and women, our citizen-warriors, continue answering the call — many with their lives.
Time and again, the Reserve and National Guard have served an essential role alongside their active-duty counterparts in the preservation of freedom around the globe. Every war involving America has included the Reserve Components. After twenty years fighting the Global War on Terror, the role of the Reserve and National Guard has only increased — now deploying as part of the Total Force. Just this spring, a Guard construction battalion of more than 150 citizen-warriors deployed for six months to Kuwait — yes, we still go to Kuwait 30 years after Operation Desert Storm.
We now see history repeating itself with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — Europe is once again a battle ground between liberty and tyranny. The National Defense Doctrine of 2018 outlined a pivot back toward a military posture to defend against state actors — mainly China — in what is called “Great Power Competition.”
Great Power Competition calls for not only larger Reserve Components but also a more diverse set of skills integrated from the civilian workforce. With the RC growing to as much as 50% of the Total Force (and over 55% of the Total Army), our founding members are once again proven right.
As ROA heads into our next 100 years of support to our citizen-warriors, we are well positioned to answer the call in our second century.
Transitioning from an all-officer association to an all-ranks association was a key strategic move in preparation for our role to support all citizen-warriors. This strategic shift was codified at our 99th National Convention through our name change to Reserve Organization of America.
ROA has reaffirmed its strategic plan going into our second century. ROA’s “Value Chain” in support of National Security through our focus on Readiness is built upon three pillars — Military Readiness, Civilian Job Readiness, and Family Readiness.

Influence Legislation & Military Policy
ROA is America’s leading advocate for members of the RC, their families, and veterans of the Reserve force. Supporting the Reserve force is part of what other groups do. It’s all ROA does.
Members of the Reserve and National Guard face the unique burden of balancing civilian and military commitments. Too often, despite the good intentions of senior leaders, the Reserve force is treated as an afterthought in law and policy, in modernization, training, use, funding, and benefits. America’s Reserve force deserves a dedicated voice to ensure readiness and forge equity in military and veterans’ policy.
Reserve Readiness Center
A key element to supporting our citizen-warriors and their families is the launch of ROA’s Reserve Readiness Center. The Reserve Readiness Center will provide a single point of access to the resources and services needed to support our citizen-warriors and their families across their career. Likewise, for those who have completed military service, the Reserve Readiness Center will provide specific resources to guide through retirement.
ROA’s new Mentorship Program will connect members of all ranks — harnessing the enormous experience of more seasoned members for the benefit of those starting out on their military journey. Being a citizen-warrior brings unique challenges; it’s fitting that ROA provides a program specifically designed for the Reserve Components — no other mentor program is this targeted.
Citizen-Warrior Coalition
Great Power Competition: Supporting our citizen-warriors & their families — The case for hiring Reservists & embracing “dual career” paths.
A key component to readiness is civilian employment of our Reserve and National Guard members. Unfortunately, citizen-warrior unemployment rate is at 11% — one of the highest in the country.
While “Military Employment” programs focus on those transitioning from Active Duty, ROA’s Citizen-Warrior Coalition is the only military workforce development program solely focused on educating American businesses about the value of the Reserve Component labor force and the positive impact “dual career” employees bring to their company and in turn to our national defense — a win / win / win. A win for American business — the most dedicated and highly trained workforce in the country. A win for our Citizen-Warriors — a successful civilian career path. A win for our nation — dual career merges the best of business skills with the best of leadership skills.
Membership – Recruit / Engage / Retain
ROA’s ability to stay relevant is dependent on maintaining a significant and active membership base. It’s because of our members that ROA’s value proposition is as strong as at any point in our first century.
To help meet our mission, ROA, through the STARs Foundation, has launched the Second Century Campaign. The campaign will provide the additional financial resources required to deliver on ROA’s Value Chain — it’s not an option — our citizen-warriors are depending on us!
To date, the Campaign has raised $4.5M towards the $10M goal.
Current (Cash) Gifts: Pershing Society
- “Minuteman” – $5,000 over 5 years ($1,000 per year)
- “1922 Founders” – $9,610 over 5 years ($1,922 per year)
- “Two Star” – $12,500 over 5 years ($2,500 per year)
- “Three Star” – $25,000 over 5 years ($5,000 per year)
- “Four Star” – $50,000 over 5 years ($10,000 per year)
- “Five Star” – $100,000 over 5 years ($20,000 per year)
- <Named Gift> – $200,000+ over 5 years ($40,000 per year)
Planned Gifts:
Legacy Circle Planned Giving Society
- “Guardian” – $10,000 value
- “Reilly” – $25,000 value
- “Truman” – $50,000 value
- <Named Gift”> – $100,000+ value
Serving America in uniform was a transformative privilege. Join the nearly 5,000 members of ROA who have made a gift to the Second Century Campaign. Our freedoms depend on the citizen-warriors who stand ready when they are called. Our nation’s future is in their hands; supporting them is in ours.